Birniridjara (A25 ) in Sourcebook for Central Australian Languages (1981).
Names of the language and different spellings that have been used:
Gaididj (AC,Elkin,AIAS), Kaiditj (Hale), Kaititj (SAW,O'G,BA,T,RLS), Kaitish (Gillen,Ingamells), Kaytej (Koch 1981), Keytetye (Koch)
Classification of the language:
Aranda Group, Artuya subgroup.
Identification codes:
Oates '73: 65
AIAS: C.013
Capell: C10
Present number and distribution of speakers:
Barrow Creek, Neutral Junction, Warrabri, Murray Downs, Stirling, Tea Tree, Tennant Creek
Milliken, 1972 -- 380
Black, 1979 -- 200-380
People who have worked intensively on the language:
Harold Koch, ANU.
Practical orthography:
Experimental (Koch and Wafer). Latest version replaces /ty/ by /j/. May be revised to eliminate apostrophe ' as mark of pre-stopping.
Word lists:
Hale, Koch.
Grammar or sketch grammar:
Wafer, based on Koch's notes.
Material available on the language:
See also references under "Aranda".
Boekel, Patricia. 1978. Kaititja spelling. (a collection of letters to and from her) Warrabri.
Capell, A. 1940. The classification of languages in north and north-west Australia. Oceania 10.3:241-272, 10.4:404-433. tabs. map. (brief comparative vocabularies)
---------- 1953. Notes on the Waramunga language, Central Australia. Oceania 23.4:296-311. (notes on Gaididj for comparison)
Gillen, F.J. Notes on some manners and customs of (Australian) Aborigines, 1894-98. 5v. Ms. folio notebooks. Sydney University. (comparative table of 200 words in 6 languages)
Hale, Kenneth L. 1959. Kaititj (Arandic) notes. 239p. ts.
---------- 197?. Arandic word list. 25p. mimeo. MIT.
---------- Kajtitji 1000 word list in practical orthography. 26p. ts. and ms.
Koch, Harold. 1976. Kaititj nominal inflexion: some comparative notes. 21p. ts. ANU.
---------- [1978]. Notes on Kaititj phonetics and phonology. 1p. ts. ANU.
---------- [1978]. Kaititj (Arandic, Central Australia) Word List, illustrating apical and laminal articulations. 2p. ts. ANU. (82 words in phonetic and phonological transcription, with
English gloss)
Wafer, James. 1978. A simple sketch of the Kaititj language from field notes by Harold Koch. 13p. ts. IAD.
---------- 1978. Report on visit to Warrabri school, 3rd term, 1978. 3p. xerox typescript. IAD.
Literacy material:
Experimental attempts: Warrabri, Neutral Junction.
Kathy Menning (comp.) and David Nash (ed.) 1981. © IAD Press
AIATSIS gratefully acknowledges IAD Press for permission to use this material in AUSTLANG.