Sourcebook for Central Australian Languages (1981):
Nganawongka (A37 ) in Sourcebook for Central Australian Languages (1981).
- Names of the language and different spellings that have been used:
- Ngarinman (AC,SAW,O'G,RLS,AIAS), Waringari (AIAS) (not a language name,, according to Hudson, Vaszolyi) Waringari has been grouped with Wanjira. See Jaru for information on Wanjira.
- Classification of the language:
- Northern Western Desert Type, Ngumbin subgroup, (eastern Kimberleys) (Waringari, A.063)
- Identification codes:
- Oates '73: 59.5 (Waringari, 59.3b)
- AIAS: C.027 (Waringari, A63)
- Capell: C21 (Waringari, A38)
- Present number and distribution of speakers:
- Victoria River Downs, Yaralin outstation of VRD, Humbert River, eastern Kimberleys
- Milliken, 1972 -- 171
- Black, 1979 -- up to 170
- People who have worked intensively on the language:
- None.
- Practical orthography:
- None; Gurindji may be suitable.
- Word lists:
- Capell, Leeding.
- Grammar or sketch grammar:
- Capell (brief).
- Material available on the language:
- Breen, J.G. 1972. (recordings of a few songs)
- Capell, A. Ngarinman vocabulary. 21p. ts. Sydney. (about 500 words, Ngarinman-English)
- ---------- 1940. The classification of languages in north and north-west Australia. Oceania 10.3:241-272, 10.4:404-433. tbls. maps. (brief comparative vocabularies, grammatical
- study, outline phonetics)
- Douglas, Wilfrid H. 1976. Comment on the paper "Metamorphosis and process in Kitja". Talanaya 3:37-43.
- Leeding, Velma J. 1971. Gurindji and Ngarinman word lists. 15p. ts. SIL.
- ---------- 1971. Word lists: Mudbura and Ngarinman. 14p. ts. SIL. (p 10707, AIAS)
- ---------- 1973. Observations on Ngarinman phonology and grammar. 21p. ts. SIL.
- Nekes, H. & E.A. Worms. 1953. Australian languages. Fribourg: Anthropos-Institut. Micro-Bibliotheca Anthropos vol.10. 1059p.
- Literacy material:
- None.
Kathy Menning (comp.) and David Nash (ed.) 1981. © IAD Press
AIATSIS gratefully acknowledges IAD Press for permission to use this material in AUSTLANG.
Handbook of Kimberley Languages (1988):
Putijarra (A54 ) in Handbook of Kimberley Languages (1988).
8.16 Ngarinyman / Ngarinman
- Names of the language and different spellings that have been used:
- Ngainman, Ngarinman (Capell, Wurm, O'Grady, Oates, AIAS), Ngarinman (O'Grady), Ngaringman (Rose), Waringari (AIAS).
- Waringari, which has also been grouped with Wanyjirra, is not a language name - see section 8.13 on Wanyjirra.
- Classification of the language:
- Northern Western Desert type, Ngumbin subgroup
- Identification codes:
- AIAS: C27 (Waringari, A63)
- Oates 1973: 59.5 (Waringari, 59.3b)
- Capell: C21 (Waringari, A38)
- Present number and distribution of speakers:
- Victoria River Downs, Yaralin outstation of VRD, HumbertRiver, eastern Kimberleys
- Milliken (1972) - 171
- Black (1979) - up to 170
- People who have worked intensively on the language:
- McConvell, since mid-1970s, Victoria River district, mainly at Dagaragu
- Practical orthography:
- None; Gurindji orthography may be suitable.
- Word lists:
- Capell (nd), Leeding (1971a,1971b), O'Grady (1959)
- Textual material:
- None
- Grammar or sketch grammar:
- Capell (1940), Leeding (1973)
- Material available on the language:
- Breen, J.G. 1972. [Tape recordings of a few songs]
- Capell, A. 1940. The classification of languages in north and north-west Australia. Oceania 10. 241-272, 404-433.
- _____ .nd. Ngarinman vocabulary. 21p. typescript. (about 500 words, Ngarinman-English)
- Douglas, W.H. 1976. Comment on the paper 'Metamorphosis and process in Kitja'. Talanaya 3. 37-43.
- Leeding, V.J. 1971a. Gurindji and Ngarinman word lists. 15p. typescript. SIL.
- _____ .1971b. Word lists: Mudbura and Ngarinman. 14pp. typescript. SIL. AIAS
- _____ .1973. Observations on Ngarinman phonology and grammar. 21pp. typescript. SIL.
- Nekes, H. & Worms, E.A. 1953. Australian languages. (Micro-Bibliotheca Anthropos, 10) Fribourg: Anthropos-Institut. 1058pp. AIAS MF 4.
- McConvell, P. 1985. The origin of subsections in northern Australia. Oceania 56. 1-33.
- O'Grady, G.N. 1959. Significance of the circumcision boundary in Western Australia. BA (Hons) thesis, University of Sydney.
- Language programme:
- None
- Language learning material:
- None
- Literacy material:
- None
McGregor, William. 1988 Handbook of Kimberley Languages. Canberra: Pacific Linguistics. © Author.
AIATSIS gratefully acknowledge William McGregor for permission to use his material in AUSTLANG.