AIATSIS code: 
AIATSIS reference name: 


Thesaurus heading language
Thesaurus heading people
ABN name
Ngarinyman language (Previously Ngarinman language)
ABS name
Horton name
Ethnologue name
ISO 639-3 code
Tindale name
Tindale (1974)
Ngainman, Ngainmun, Ngrainmun, Hainman (of local white people), Hyneman, Narinman, Nariman.
O'Grady et al (1966)
Airiman, Ngaiman, Ngaimmun, Ngraimun
Other sources
Ngaringman, Hairiman (Widijburru et al. 2010:13)
Ngarinyman, Ngarinman, Agarinman, ainman, Airiman, Hainman, Heineman, Hyneman, Nariman, Narinman, Ngaiman, Ngaimmun, Ngainman, Ngainmun, Ngarnman, Ngraimun, Ngrainmun, Ngaringman, Hairiman
McConvell (1980) distinguishes three dialects of Ngarinman (C27): Eastern Ngarinman C32, Bilinara N36, and Wurlayi C37. Widijburru et al. (2010:13) mention the existence of two different forms for some items in their plant and animal dictionary. They point out that this could reflect two varieties 'more strongly differentiated in the past' (north-west vs. south-east), or they could be relics of the extinct Nyiwanawu C45 language. They also say the different forms could 'represent the western form of the Ngarinyman language referred to as Wurlayi Ngarinyman by some speakers and linguists' though it is not clear if this is the same or additional to the north-west/south-east distinction mentioned earlier.
  • Harvey, Mark. 2008. Non-Pama-Nyungan Languages: land-language associations at colonisation. AILEC 0802.
  • Tindale, Norman B. 1974. Aboriginal tribes of Australia: their terrain, environmental controls, distribution, limits, and proper names. Berkeley: University of California Press/Canberra: Australian National University Press.
  • Widijburru, Bobby, Daisy Harrington, Ronny Balwanjer, Eileen Roberts, Peter Waterloo, Laurie Roberts, Roy Nuwalad Harrington, Josie Roberts, Noeline Nemit, Colleen Moerkerken, and Glenn Wightman. 2010. Ngarinyman plants and animals: Aboriginal knowledge of flora and fauna from Judbarra/Gregory National Park and the Victoria River, northern Australia. Darwin: Dept. of Natural Resources, Environment, The Arts and Sport/Diwurru-Jaru Aboriginal Corporation.
State / Territory: 
Location information: 

The general affiliation was to the drainage of Wickham and Humbert Rivers above Yarralin (Harvey ASEDA 802). Upper Victoria River, about Jasper Creek; west of Victoria River Downs; south to Mount Sanford (n.n. Mun-jan), west to Limbunya, chiefly on Wickham River. (Tindale 1974). Ngarinyman country traditionally extends across much of what is now called Judbarra/Gregory National Park, it includes areas such as Bullita, Yarralin, Lingara, Limestone Gorge, Bulla, Amanbidji, parts of Victoria River Downs, Humbert River, east Baines River and the Wickham River. (Widijburru et al. 2010:11).

Sourcebook for Central Australian Languages (1981): 

Nganawongka (A37 ) in Sourcebook for Central Australian Languages (1981).


Names of the language and different spellings that have been used:
Ngarinman (AC,SAW,O'G,RLS,AIAS), Waringari (AIAS) (not a language name,, according to Hudson, Vaszolyi) Waringari has been grouped with Wanjira. See Jaru for information on Wanjira.
Classification of the language:
Northern Western Desert Type, Ngumbin subgroup, (eastern Kimberleys) (Waringari, A.063)
Identification codes:
Oates '73: 59.5 (Waringari, 59.3b)
AIAS: C.027 (Waringari, A63)
Capell: C21 (Waringari, A38)
Present number and distribution of speakers:
Victoria River Downs, Yaralin outstation of VRD, Humbert River, eastern Kimberleys
Milliken, 1972 -- 171
Black, 1979 -- up to 170
People who have worked intensively on the language:
Practical orthography:
None; Gurindji may be suitable.
Word lists:
Capell, Leeding.
Grammar or sketch grammar:
Capell (brief).
Material available on the language:
Breen, J.G. 1972. (recordings of a few songs)
Capell, A. Ngarinman vocabulary. 21p. ts. Sydney. (about 500 words, Ngarinman-English)
---------- 1940. The classification of languages in north and north-west Australia. Oceania 10.3:241-272, 10.4:404-433. tbls. maps. (brief comparative vocabularies, grammatical
study, outline phonetics)
Douglas, Wilfrid H. 1976. Comment on the paper "Metamorphosis and process in Kitja". Talanaya 3:37-43.
Leeding, Velma J. 1971. Gurindji and Ngarinman word lists. 15p. ts. SIL.
---------- 1971. Word lists: Mudbura and Ngarinman. 14p. ts. SIL. (p 10707, AIAS)
---------- 1973. Observations on Ngarinman phonology and grammar. 21p. ts. SIL.
Nekes, H. & E.A. Worms. 1953. Australian languages. Fribourg: Anthropos-Institut. Micro-Bibliotheca Anthropos vol.10. 1059p.
Literacy material:

Kathy Menning (comp.) and David Nash (ed.) 1981. © IAD Press

AIATSIS gratefully acknowledges IAD Press for permission to use this material in AUSTLANG.

Handbook of Kimberley Languages (1988): 

Putijarra (A54 ) in Handbook of Kimberley Languages (1988).

8.16 Ngarinyman / Ngarinman

Names of the language and different spellings that have been used:
Ngainman, Ngarinman (Capell, Wurm, O'Grady, Oates, AIAS), Ngarinman (O'Grady), Ngaringman (Rose), Waringari (AIAS).
Waringari, which has also been grouped with Wanyjirra, is not a language name - see section 8.13 on Wanyjirra.
Classification of the language:
Northern Western Desert type, Ngumbin subgroup
Identification codes:
AIAS: C27 (Waringari, A63)
Oates 1973: 59.5 (Waringari, 59.3b)
Capell: C21 (Waringari, A38)
Present number and distribution of speakers:
Victoria River Downs, Yaralin outstation of VRD, HumbertRiver, eastern Kimberleys
Milliken (1972) - 171
Black (1979) - up to 170
People who have worked intensively on the language:
McConvell, since mid-1970s, Victoria River district, mainly at Dagaragu
Practical orthography:
None; Gurindji orthography may be suitable.
Word lists:
Capell (nd), Leeding (1971a,1971b), O'Grady (1959)
Textual material:
Grammar or sketch grammar:
Capell (1940), Leeding (1973)
Material available on the language:
Breen, J.G. 1972. [Tape recordings of a few songs]
Capell, A. 1940. The classification of languages in north and north-west Australia. Oceania 10. 241-272, 404-433.
_____ .nd. Ngarinman vocabulary. 21p. typescript. (about 500 words, Ngarinman-English)
Douglas, W.H. 1976. Comment on the paper 'Metamorphosis and process in Kitja'. Talanaya 3. 37-43.
Leeding, V.J. 1971a. Gurindji and Ngarinman word lists. 15p. typescript. SIL.
_____ .1971b. Word lists: Mudbura and Ngarinman. 14pp. typescript. SIL. AIAS
_____ .1973. Observations on Ngarinman phonology and grammar. 21pp. typescript. SIL.
Nekes, H. & Worms, E.A. 1953. Australian languages. (Micro-Bibliotheca Anthropos, 10) Fribourg: Anthropos-Institut. 1058pp. AIAS MF 4.
McConvell, P. 1985. The origin of subsections in northern Australia. Oceania 56. 1-33.
O'Grady, G.N. 1959. Significance of the circumcision boundary in Western Australia. BA (Hons) thesis, University of Sydney.
Language programme:
Language learning material:
Literacy material:

McGregor, William. 1988 Handbook of Kimberley Languages. Canberra: Pacific Linguistics. © Author.

AIATSIS gratefully acknowledge William McGregor for permission to use his material in AUSTLANG.


Katherine Regional Language Centre developed a language learning CD-rom in 2005.

Caroline Jones, Velma Leeding, Eva Schultze-Berndt, Cameron Raynes, Katherine Regional Aboriginal Language Centre
Year Source Speaker numbers

Speaker numbers were measured differently across the censuses and various other sources listed in AUSTLANG. You are encouraged to refer to the sources.

Speaker numbers for ‘NILS 2004’ and ‘2005 estimate’ come from 'Table F.3: Numbers of speakers of Australian Indigenous languages (various surveys)' in 'Appendix F NILS endangerment and absolute number results' in McConvell, Marmion and McNicol 2005, pages 198-230 (PDF, 2.5MB).

Type Documentation Status Documentation Score
Word list Large (more than 200 pages) 4
Text Collection Small (20-100 pages) 2
Grammar Sketch grammar (less than 100 pages) 2
Audio-visual 1-10 2
Manuscript note: 
tape transcription/field note available

Jones, Caroline. 1995. Draft sketch grammar of Ngarinyman, ms.


Jones, Caroline, Schultze-Berndt, Eva, Denniss, Jessica, Meakins, Felicity. 2019. Ngarinyman to English Dictionary. Canberra, ACT: Aboriginal Studies Press.

Widijburru, Bobby, et al. 2010. Ngarinyman plants and animals: Aboriginal knowledge of flora and fauna from Judbarra / Gregory National Park and the Victoria River area, northern Australia. Darwin: Diwurruwurru-jaru Aboriginal orporation.

Source Family Group Sub-group Name Relationship
Ethnologue (2005) Pama-Nyungan South-West Ngumbin Ngarinman Ngarinman [Bilinara (Pilinara)]
Dixon (2002)   NORTHERN DESERT FRINGE SUBGROUP Edgar Range to Victoria River subgroup* Ngarinman Gurindji (Kuurrinjtji) McConvell (ms.a) further dialects: Wanjdjirra, Malngin, Wurlayi, Ngarinman, Pilinara; possibly also Kartangarurru
Wurm (1994) Pama-Nyungan South-West   Ngarinman  
Walsh (1981) Pama-Nyungan South-West Ngumbin Ngarinman Ngarinman [dialects: Bilinara, Eastern (Ngarinman), Wurlayi]
Oates (1975) Pama-Nyungan Northern Western Desert Type Ngumbin (Eastern Kimberleys) Ngarinman  
Wurm (1972) Pama-Nyungan Southwest (or Nyungic) Ngumbin Ngarinman  
O'Grady, Voegelin and Voegelin (1966) Pama-Nyungan Southwest Ngumbin Ngarinman