N158: Murrinh-kura

AIATSIS code: 
AIATSIS reference name: 


Thesaurus heading language
Thesaurus heading people
ABN name
ABS name
Horton name
Murrinh-patha (Muringura/Murrinhkura)
Ethnologue name
Murrinh-patha [Murrinhkura]
ISO 639-3 code
Tindale name
Tindale (1974)
O'Grady et al (1966)
Other sources
Murrinh patha, Muringura/Murrinhkura, Murinbata, Muringura, Murrinhkura, Murinkura, Southern Daly

According to Top End Handbook, Murrinh-kura is in a dialectal relationship with Murrinh-patha N3. Walsh (2007 p.c.) says that Murrinhkura has sometimes been used to refer to the people at the southern edge of Murrinhpatha territory. He is, however, unsure whether Murrinhkura can be treated as a separate dialect.

Green and Nordlinger classify Murrinh Kura as a Southern Daly language closely related to Murrinhpatha N3 with more distant ties to Ngan'gikurunggurr N8, Ngan'giwumirri N17 and Ngan'gimerri N160 (viewed November 2020).


  • Baker, Brett. New Top End Handbook (FileMaker database). (ASEDA 0626).
  • Green, Ian & Nordlinger, Rachel. The Daly Languages (Australia). Web Resource http://dalylanguages.org

  • Tindale, Norman B. 1974. Aboriginal tribes of Australia: their terrain, environmental controls, distribution, limits, and proper names. Berkeley: University of California Press/Canberra: Australian National University Press.
Potential no data
State / Territory: 
Location information: 

East of Macadam Range and on the coastal swamps at the mouth of the Fitzmaurice River; east to about 130°10'E; north to Moyle River divide (Tindale 1974).

Handbook of Kimberley Languages (1988): 

Walyirli (A73* ) in Handbook of Kimberley Languages (1988).

7.2 Murrinh-patha / Murinbada

Names of the language and different spellings that have been used:
Murinbada (AIAS, Capell, Oates & Oates), Murinbata (Stanner, Street & Mollinjin, Capell, Wurm), Murinjbada (Oates, Walsh), Murinypata (Walsh), Murinypatha (Walsh), Murrinh-patha (Black)
Dialect names:, Murrinh-gurra, Murrinh-diminin
The language name means 'good language', from murrinh 'language', and patha 'good'. The two dialect names, Murrinh-gurra and Murrinh-diminin, which refer to northern and southern dialects, mean respectively 'water language' and 'gravel language'. These terms allude to perceived speech qualities (Michael Walsh pers.comm.).
Alternative names: Garama (Capell, AIAS), Karaman (Tindale), Linygugu, Mariwuda (name used by Brinken speakers; see Oates 1973:41), According to Black & Walsh (forthcoming), Garama is the Jaminjungan name for Murrinh-patha; Karaman is most likely a variant spelling of this. Linygugu is the Jaminjungan term for the Murrinh-gurra dialect; this term also means 'water language' in Jaminjung.
Classification of the language:
Murrinh-pathan family
Identification codes:
Oates 1973: 41a (Oates & Oates 1970: 37.1, and 37.2)
Capell: N61
Present number and distribution of speakers:
Mainly Port Keats; there are a handful of speakers in Kununurra and the surrounding region.
Black and Walsh - upwards of 800 speakers in Port Keats
Milliken - 1000 speakers
Street - about 1100 speakers
People who have worked intensively on the language:
Michael Walsh, since early 1970s, Port Keats
Chester and Lyn Street, from 1973, Port Keats
Practical orthography:
A practical orthography developed by Street is currently in use. This orthography is like the standard North Kimberley orthography, except that it uses p, t and k, in addition to b, d and g.
Word lists:
Capell (1940), Street (1983, 1987), Street & Mollinjin (1981); according to Oates & Oates (1970:21), Stanner had an extensive unpublished vocabulary - however, this seems not to be the case, and the vocabulary is in fact quite small (Michael Walsh, pers.comm.).
Textual material:
Kulamburut & Walsh (1986), Walsh (1976a). Apparently Stanner had collected a number of myths and translations, which remain unpublished (Oates & Oates (1970:21), Michael Walsh, pers.comm.).
Grammar or sketch grammar:
Walsh (1976a)
Material available on the language:
Capell, A. 1940. The classification of languages in north and north-west Australia. Oceania 10. 241-272, 404-433.
Kulamburut, H.P. & Walsh, M.J. 1986. Strange food. In Hercus, L. & Sutton, P. (eds), This is what happened: historical narratives by Aborigines. Canberra: AIAS. 47-61.
Stanner, W.E.H. 1936. Murinbata kinship and totemism. Oceania 7. 186-216.
Street, C.S. 1976. Spelling problems with voiced and voiceless stops in Murinbata. Read 11 (4). 117-118.
_____ .1980a. The relationship of verb affixation and clause structure in Murinbata. In Street, C.S. et al. Papers in Australian Linguistics, 12. Canberra: PL, A-58. 83-113.
_____ .1980b. Reduplication in Murinbata. In Street, C.S. et al. Papers in Australian Linguistics, 12. Canberra: PL, A-58. 1-21.
_____ .1982. Toward a Murrinh-patha defined need for repentance. Nelen Yubu 1982, 12. 12-21.
_____ .1983. Dictionary of English/Murrinh-patha. Port Keats: Woddey Press.
_____ .1987. An introduction to the language and culture of the Murrinh-Patha. Darwin: SIL.
Street, C.S. & Kalampurut, H.P. 1978. The Murinbata mode of existence. In Brandenstein, C. et al. Papers in Australian Linguistics, 11. Canberra: PL, A-51. 133-141.
Street, C.S. & Mollinjin, G.P. 1981. The phonology of Murinbata. In Waters, B. (ed.), Australian phonologies: collected papers. (Work Papers of SIL-AAB A-5) Darwin: SIL. 183-244.
Walsh, M.J. 1976a. The Murinypata language of north-west Australia. PhD thesis, ANU.
_____ .1976b. Ergative, locative and instrumental case inflections: Murinjpata. In Dixon, R.M.W. (ed.), Grammatical categories in Australian languages. Canberra: AIAS. 405-408.
_____ .1976c. The derivational affix 'having': Murinjpata. In Dixon, R.M.W. (ed.), Grammatical categories in Australian languages. Canberra: AIAS. 287-290.
_____ .1976d. The bivalent suffix -ku: Murinjpata. In Dixon, R.M.W. (ed.), Grammatical categories in Australian languages. Canberra: AIAS. 441-444.
_____ .1987. The impersonal verb construction in Australian languages. In Steele, R. & Threadgold, T. (eds), Language topics. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. 425-438.
Language programme:
Since 1976 there has been a bilingual education programme in Port Keats run by the Northern Territory Department of Education.
Language learning material:
Street, C. 1987. An introduction to the language and culture of the Murrinh-Patha. Darwin: SIL.
Literacy material:
A large amount of literacy material has been published by SIL. The following is a brief selection:
Chula, M.P. & Street, L. (eds). 1981. Murrinh ku ngugumingki. Translated by Narndu, T.D. Darwin: SIL.
Murrinh Nganki. (Murrinh-patha Primer series) Darwin: SIL.
Street, C. & Street, L. 1978. Murrinh Parililnu 2. Darwin: SIL.

McGregor, William. 1988 Handbook of Kimberley Languages. Canberra: Pacific Linguistics. © Author.

AIATSIS gratefully acknowledge William McGregor for permission to use his material in AUSTLANG.

Indigenous organisations: 
Year Source Speaker numbers

Speaker numbers were measured differently across the censuses and various other sources listed in AUSTLANG. You are encouraged to refer to the sources.

Speaker numbers for ‘NILS 2004’ and ‘2005 estimate’ come from 'Table F.3: Numbers of speakers of Australian Indigenous languages (various surveys)' in 'Appendix F NILS endangerment and absolute number results' in McConvell, Marmion and McNicol 2005, pages 198-230 (PDF, 2.5MB).

Type Documentation Status Documentation Score
Word list None 0
Text Collection None 0
Grammar None 0
Audio-visual None 0
Manuscript note: 
Source Family Group Sub-group Name Relationship
Ethnologue (2005) Daly Murrinh-Patha   Murrinh-patha [Murrinhkura] Murrinh-patha [dialects: Murrinhpatha, Murrinhkura, Murrinhdiminin]
Dixon (2002)          
Wurm (1994)          
Walsh (1981) Murrinhpathan     Murrinhkura (Murinbata) [dialects: Murrinhpatha, Murrinhdiminin]
Oates (1975)          
Wurm (1972)          
O'Grady, Voegelin and Voegelin (1966)