S13: Bungandidj^

AIATSIS code: 
AIATSIS reference name: 


Thesaurus heading language
Thesaurus heading people
ABN name
ABS name
Horton name
Ethnologue name
ISO 639-3 code
Tindale name
Tindale (1974)
Pungandaitj (a valid pronunciation), Buanditj (valid short version), Bungandity, Bungandaitj, Bungandaetch, Bungandaetcha, Pungantitj, Pungandik, Buanditj, Boandik, Buandic, Booandik, Bangandidj, Buandik, Buandic, Boan-diks, Bunganditjngolo (language name), Borandikngolo (misprint), Barconedeet, Bak-on-date, Smoky River tribe, Mount Gambier dialect, Nguro (of eastern tribes), Booandik-ngolo, Drualat-ngolonung.
O'Grady et al (1966)
Bungandaitj, Bungandaetch, Bungandaetcha, Pungantitj, Pungatitj, Pungandik, Booandik, Boandik, Boandiks, Borandikngolo, Burhwundeirtch, Bungandity
Other sources
Rivoli Bay tribe, Buandic, Mount Gambier dialect, Boandic, Booandik, Drualatngolonung (speech of man), Drualat-Ngolonung, Booandki-ngolo (speech of the Booandiks), Mount Gambier tribe, Boandik, Bung'andaetch, Buandik, Bugandity (ty=tch), Booganity, Booganitch, Buandig, Buanditj, Bungandity, ,Nguro people [word for 'thou'], Bunganadity, Buadik, Bunjanditj, Boongandity, Bunganditj, Bunanditj, Bunanditz, Banaditj, Baundik, Pungandaitj, Bungandaitj, Bungandaetcha, Pungantitj, Pungandik, Bangandadj, Bunganditjngolo, Borandikngolo, Bungandij, Bungandidj, Booandik, Drualat-ngolonung (speech of man) or Booandik-ngolo (speech of the Booandiks) (Smith 1880:xi) [Clark 1990:412]
Bungandik, Bundanditj, Buandig, Bunganditj, Bangandidj, Barconedeet, Boandik, Boandiks, Booandik, Booandik ngolo, Borandikngolo, Buandic, Bak on date, Buandik, Buanditj, Bungaditj, Bungandaetch, Bungandaetcha, Bungandaitj, Bungandidy, Bunganditjngolo, Bungandity, Burhwundeirtch, Drualat ngolonung, Mount Gambier dialect, Nguro, Pundandik, Pungandaitj, Pungandik, Pungantitj, Smokey River tribe, Pungatitj, Rivoli Bay tribe, Boandic, Drualatngolonung, Drualat Ngolonung, Booandki ngolo, Mount Gambier tribe, Bugandity, Booganity, Booganitch, Nguro people, Bungadidj, Boan diks, Smoky River tribe
Smith (1880:ix) recorded that the Aborigines of the south-east of South Australia were divided into five groups, each occupying its own territory and using different dialects of the same language. The five groups identified by Smith are Booandik (S13), Pinechunga S78, Moatatunga S76, Wichantunga S72, and Polijunga S79. Blake (2003:7), however, finds it impossible to align his sources of information with these dialects. Berndt and Berndt (1993) report what Tindale identifies as Meintangk S14 as being part of the 'Milipi' language. Tindale's location and alternative names for Meintangk roughly correspond to Smith's five groups, excepting perhaps Bungandidj (S13) in name (but not necessarily location). Note that Berndt and Berndt (1993:305) mention there being both Milipi-speaking and non-Milipi speaking Pungadidji (S13). Ward (in Campbell 1934:25) also makes a distinction between the Penganka S14 and Boandik (S13) groups, 'who formerly occupied the country from Mount Gambier to Tatiara. The dominion of the Boandiks comprised the southerly portion of that area, and the Pengankas roamed from Penola northwards.' Milipi may be the name of the language Smith refers to.
  • Berndt, R.M. & C.H. Berndt. 1993. A world that was: the Yaraldi of the Murray River and the Lakes, South Australia. Melbourne: Melbourne University Press. (B B524.88/W2)
  • Blake, Barry. 2003. The Bunganditj (Buwandik) language of the Mount Gambier Region: Pacific Linguistics 549. Canberra: Pacific Linguistics.
  • Campbell, 1934. Notes on the Aborigines of the south-east of South Australia, Part 1. Transactions of the Royal Society of South Australia, vol. 58, pp. 22-32. (RS 50/8)
  • Howitt, Alfred. 1996. The native tribes of south-east Australia. Canberra: Aboriginal Studies Press.
  • Smith, Christina. 1880. The Booandik tribe of South Australian Aborigines: a sketch of their habits, customs, legends and language. Adelaide: E. Spiller, Government Printer.
  • Taplin, George. 1879. Grammar of the language spoken by the Narrinyeri tribe in South Australia. In The folklore, manners, customs, and languages of the South Australian Aborigines, ed. George Taplin. Adelaide: Government Printer.
State / Territory: 
Location information: 
A single language appears to have been spoken in a triangle that stretched from somewhere north of Lacepede Bay on the coast of South Australia across to Bordertown on the Victorian border and south to the coast where the mouth of the Glenelg in far western Victoria formed the south-eastern corner (Taplin 1879:59 as quoted by Blake 2003:1). tract of country extending from the mouth of the Glenelg River to Rivoli Bay North (Beachport), for about thirty miles inland (Smith 1880:ix).
South Australia. Education Dept produced a teacher's guide in 1991. The Mobile Language Team organised a language workshop in Mount Gambier in October 2011, to discuss the possibility of a language revival program for Buandig (Boandik/Bunganditj).
Catherine Ellis
Indigenous organisations: 
Year Source Speaker numbers

Speaker numbers were measured differently across the censuses and various other sources listed in AUSTLANG. You are encouraged to refer to the sources.

Speaker numbers for ‘NILS 2004’ and ‘2005 estimate’ come from 'Table F.3: Numbers of speakers of Australian Indigenous languages (various surveys)' in 'Appendix F NILS endangerment and absolute number results' in McConvell, Marmion and McNicol 2005, pages 198-230 (PDF, 2.5MB).

TypeDocumentation StatusDocumentation Score
Word listSmall (20-100 pages)2
Text CollectionNone0
GrammarSketch grammar (less than 100 pages)2
Audio-visualLess than 11
Manuscript note: 
tape transcription/field note available

Blake, Barry. 2003. The Bunganditj (Buwandik) language of the Mount Gambier Region: Pacific Linguistics 549. Canberra: Pacific Linguistics.

Blake, Barry. 2003. The Bunganditj (Buwandik) language of the Mount Gambier Region: Pacific Linguistics 549). Canberra: Pacific Linguistics.
Ethnologue (2005)
Dixon (2002)WEST VICTORIAN AREAL GROUPBungandik/Kuurn-Kopan-Noot subgroup*Bungandik (or Bundanditj)Bungandik (or Bundanditj) further dialects: Pinejunga, Mootatunga, Wichintunga, Polinjunga
Wurm (1994)Pama-NyunganKulinicBungandidj
Walsh (1981)Pama-NyunganKulinicBungandidjBungandidj
Oates (1975)Pama-NyunganKulinicDrual (Bungandidj)Bungandidj
Wurm (1972)Pama-NyunganKulinicDrualBungadidj (Buandik)
O'Grady, Voegelin and Voegelin (1966)Pama-NyunganKulinicDrualBuandik