HILLIARD.W01.CS Collection

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Showing 201 to 220 of 1261 records available in this collection.

Vehicles towing heavy machinery for erecting a bridge over Ernabella Creek

[Three unidentified non Indigenous men commencing work] erecting a bridge over Ernabella Creek

[Three unidentified non Indigenous men commencing work] erecting a bridge over Ernabella Creek

[Three unidentified non Indigenous men commencing work] erecting a bridge over Ernabella Creek

Peter Nyaningu (mereaki) settling a fight, where community members have gathered

[Three unidentified European men commencing work] erecting a bridge over Ernabella Creek

[Three unidentified European men working] erecting a bridge over Ernabella Creek

[People standing near the hospital observing the newly erected bridge over Ernabella Creek]

[Three unidentified non Indigenous men working] erecting bridge over Ernabella Creek

[Three men sitting at a table in the garden with community members gathered around sitting on the grass] - meeting government men

[Group of people gathered around the parked Opal Air cessna at Ernabella airstrip]

[View of Ernabella Creek, swollen during] floods

Flood [water rising towards buildings at the the Ernabella Mission]

[Landscape view of soil erosion after] floods

[Receeding water levels after the] flood

[Receeding water levels after the] flood

[Receeding water levels after the] flood

[View of Ernabella Creek, swollen during] floods

[Distant view of the newly erected bridge] - floodwaters receeding

[Unidentified woman walking near demountable housing, possibly after the] floods