HILLIARD.W01.CS Collection

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Showing 1201 to 1220 of 1261 records available in this collection.

[Dirt track view of the Everard Ranges]

[Unidentified Indigenous family gathered next to their mia-mia]

[Unidentified Indignenous person with mia-mia in the background (far left) situated near] Betty's Well

[Group portrait of unidentified Indigenous women and children at a camp]

[Landscape view of a mia-mia camp with possibly wooden structure in centre of camp for drying out buffalo hide or kangroo pelts]

[Obscured view of the] head stockman's house

[Group portrait of unidentified Amata women and children sitting in the shade]

[Group portrait of unidentified Amata women and children sitting in the shade]

Ilpil [standing in front of a vehicle with congregation seated in front of him], leading worship

Ilpil [standing in front of a seated congregation, leading prayers]

[Congregation sitting in shade listening to the worship service]

Portrait of Watulya Windlass (nee Baker) holding her baby daughter

[Landscape view of Amata buildings including the station] superintendents' and overseers' houses

[Landscape view of Amata buildings including the] hospital and houses

[Landscape view of the] gateway to Amata, with yellow truck rolling through

[Landscape view of Amata and a bough shelter] church

[Amata coummunity members gathered on and around the] Amata company truck

[Truck and a vehicle driving on the dirt detour route] - Amata road

[Unidentified Indigenous men pushing the Bucknell vehicle out of a sand bog] - trouble on Amata detour road

[Two unidentified people attending to the Bucknell vehicle which is bogged]