HILLIARD.W01.CS Collection

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Showing 541 to 600 of 1261 records available in this collection.

Raymond serving customers at the Ernabella store check-out

Raymond serving customers at the Ernabella store check-out

Mission rams grazing on hillside

Unidentified Indigenous stockman herding a flock of merino sheep

[Stockman counting head of sheep - unidentified Indigenous woman watching on]

Bill Elliott sitting while repairing the well

[Landscape view of Donald's Well] sheep camp

Sheep at trough [at Possum Well which is now part of Fregon land]

RMT rationing shepherds - two unidentified men at a truck, with shelters in the background [man on right may be Bill Elliott]

Bill Elliott standing by his vehicle, providing rations to young people

Haileybury Well with windmill and tank

Flock of sheep being counted [by unidentified non Indigenous man - at Turner Well]

[Pen full of sheep waiting to be sheared, with shearing sheds in the background]

[Pen full of sheep waiting to be sheared]

[Unidentified Indigenous shearers shearing sheep]

[View inside the wool shed - unidentified Indigenous shed hands] skirting the fleece

[View inside the shearing shed - unidentified Indigenous men working the] wool press

[Unidentified Indigenous shed hands gathered around the completed wool bales]

[Side view of a truck loaded with bales of wool] ready for the road

Load of wool bales stacked on a road train heading for Adelaide

[Unidentified Indigenous family gathered near camp fire coals] - sheep camp scene

Unloading wool onto train at [Central Australian Railway]

Bill Elliott [tending to a] fly struck sheep

[Unidentified Indigenous child stands watching the sheep in the pen - situated near Araluen]

Sheep being herded at Balfour Well

[Possibly Bill Elliot delivering supplies to Indigenous people near Balfour Well]

Group portrait of Val standing with Indigenous hospital workers - possibly at Araluen hospital

Indigenous mother sitting in the camp with her children - Tja Tja area

Unidentified shepherds camping near Upson Downs

Unidentified child riding a horse, herding sheep

Group portrait of young Indigenous hospital workers

Group of adults seated with children as women in white aprons serve meals for toddlers

Medical treatment for community members - a line-up for triple antigen vaccinations

[Group gathered around the open door of the Northern Territory Medical Service plane] - doctor arriving for injections

Medical evacuation of Tjuwilya's father, to Alice Springs

Doctor Davies providing a Salk vaccine to shepherds' children at sheep station camp

Flying Doctor plane parked on airstrip with patients gathered around

Peter on a rug, after returning from hospital in Adelaide

A medic ushers in patients to the hospital during the 1957 Asian Flu epidemic

During Asian Flu epidemic - man serves meals to ill community members from the back of a vehicle

Portrait of Purki and first baby (who later died)

Portrait of two hospital babies and their midwives

Mayawa and baby with others at airstrip, off to Adelaide for treatment

Portrait of an unidentified baby on a blanket on grass

[The mission's] first twins, Grant and Graeme [being held by their mother with possibly a sibling sitting close by]

Portrait of Pilot Harry Moss and Doctor Emerson, on airstrip

Ilpil [on right] welcomes Harry Moss, Doctor Emerson and the new plane

Flying Doctor plane - the Dove

Malyungka [asleep on the floor with a meal sitting next to her]

Malyungka sitting in a chair with a blanket over her knees during rest time

Indigenous mother holds her child whilst Val gives medicine

Doctor Emerson on the wireless at the Flying Doctor base

Portrait of Imantura, Tinpulya and Tjukapati, sitting outside at Alice Springs hospital

Portrait of Sister O'Keefe with Talitali at the Alice Springs hospital [standing in front of a lemon or orange tree]

[Group portrait of community members before] taking Fletcher construction to Fregon

[Tuberculosis survey conducted by the anti-tuberculosis unit of New South Wales - health professionals screening for TB]

[Children standing with their mothers, outside the] School Dental Unit (Department of Public Health - School Health Service caravan)

Professor Ida Mann investigates a patient as Doctor Phyllis Rountree observes

[Nurse weighing an unidentified Indigenous baby]

Unidentified group of men and women standing in a courtyard whilst a young boy is presented a first aid certificate