The South Australian Education Dept produced a teacher's guide in 1988. Ngarrindjeri, Narrunga and Kaurna Languages Project made a tape with songs (1990). Narungga People's Language Project and Narungga Aboriginal Progress Association have been running language programs and making resources (2006). The Narungga Language Teaching Program was launched in October 2008. The partnership between Narungga Aboriginal Progress Association (NAPA), local schools and the Department of Education and Children's Services (DECS) resulted in the development of a structured curriculum and resources and the involvement of Narungga people in the teaching of the language in schools (Eira 2010:18). The Narungga Aboriginal Progress Association is planning to establish a community resource centre to encourage the use and learning of the Narungga language outside school hours by adults and children (Eira 2010:18).
Christina Eira, Catherine Ellis, Tania Wanganeen, Guy Tunstill
Indigenous organisations:
Narungga Aboriginal Progress Association
18 Caroline Street Maitland SA 5573
(08) 8834 2125: