Alpher (2006 p.c.) says that wordlists in Hall (MS 544) for Thaayorre Y69, Thayem and Thayunhth 215 indicate they are basically the same language.
Gaby reports that Kuuk Thaayorre Y69 speakers remember the names of additional dialects Kuuk Thaayunth, Kuuk Thayem and Kuuk Thanon, but these seem to have approximated standard Kuuk Thaayorre as speaker numbers dwindle (2006:3).
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Speaker numbers were measured differently across the censuses and various other sources listed in AUSTLANG. You are encouraged to refer to the sources.
Speaker numbers for ‘NILS 2004’ and ‘2005 estimate’ come from 'Table F.3: Numbers of speakers of Australian Indigenous languages (various surveys)' in 'Appendix F NILS endangerment and absolute number results' in McConvell, Marmion and McNicol 2005, pages 198-230 (PDF, 2.5MB).