HILLIARD.W01.CS Collection

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Showing 181 to 240 of 1261 records available in this collection.

Landscape view of the mission late in the day

Oil company helicopter landing near the 1873 camp site of explorer Ernest Giles

Ayers Rock [inspired design] house

[Aerial view of the mission]

[Community members collecting water] near school

Erecting Ayers Rock [inspired designed] house

Mercedes and trailer - mission truck used for carrying supplies from Finke siding

Superintendent Neil McGarvie [white shirt], with council members (left to right), Raymond Tilya, Horace (?) and Kunmanara Stanley during a sitting of the first Aboriginal Council at Ernabella

Superintendent Neil McGarvie [white shirt], with council members (left to right), Raymond Tilya, Horace (?), Kunmanara Stanley and Yiparti Sandy during a sitting of the first Aboriginal Council at Ernabella

Neil McGarvie [white shirt], Superintendent and council members sitting of the first Aboriginal Council at Ernabella

View of the mission compound

View of the Church from MacHensley

View of the mission from Ben Elliott

[Unidentified community members in the Ernabella] self service store

View of houses to the north of the compound

Aerial view of the mission from helicopter

Peter Nyaningu calming an angry man, with community members watching

Group of trees which have toppled over - from storm damage

Community members working clearing tree branches onto the tractor trailer after the storm

Children playing on large tree toppled during storm

Vehicles towing heavy machinery for erecting a bridge over Ernabella Creek

[Three unidentified non Indigenous men commencing work] erecting a bridge over Ernabella Creek

[Three unidentified non Indigenous men commencing work] erecting a bridge over Ernabella Creek

[Three unidentified non Indigenous men commencing work] erecting a bridge over Ernabella Creek

Peter Nyaningu (mereaki) settling a fight, where community members have gathered

[Three unidentified European men commencing work] erecting a bridge over Ernabella Creek

[Three unidentified European men working] erecting a bridge over Ernabella Creek

[People standing near the hospital observing the newly erected bridge over Ernabella Creek]

[Three unidentified non Indigenous men working] erecting bridge over Ernabella Creek

[Three men sitting at a table in the garden with community members gathered around sitting on the grass] - meeting government men

[Group of people gathered around the parked Opal Air cessna at Ernabella airstrip]

[View of Ernabella Creek, swollen during] floods

Flood [water rising towards buildings at the the Ernabella Mission]

[Landscape view of soil erosion after] floods

[Receeding water levels after the] flood

[Receeding water levels after the] flood

[Receeding water levels after the] flood

[View of Ernabella Creek, swollen during] floods

[Distant view of the newly erected bridge] - floodwaters receeding

[Unidentified woman walking near demountable housing, possibly after the] floods

View [of a house], obscured by wattle

[Side view of a mural paintined on the wall of the Kindergarten building]

Louis Wirultjkur and team put down a farm bore [at the Ernabella Farm, situated aprroximately two kilometers south of compound]

Boring operations - water drilling [at the Ernabella Farm, situated aprroximately two kilometers south of compound]

View towards Louis water boring set up - an Aboriginal project run by Louis Wirultjkur, Ernabella Farm

View of Louis water boring plant

[Two unidentified Indigenous men harvesting produce]

View of farm crops - corn and peanuts

View of a crop of date suckers

Ginger's farm [situated near Ernabella Farm, about two kilometres south of the compound]

Ginger's farm [situated near Ernabella Farm, about two kilometres south of the compound]

A side view of Ginger's rotary hoe

Unidentified men working near crops [possibly Ginger's farm] - erecting farm tank

View of crops on Ginger's farm

[Unidentified men standing with Mr [Fred] Turvey - surveying first, although unsuccessful, house built for Indigenous people]

[Unidentified men learning to build houses] - these houses were not successful for various reasons

[Gordon Ingkatji with other unidentified men, learning to build houses] - not successful for various reasons

Gordon Ingkatji working on constructing a house

[Landscape view of the windmill and water bore - providing running] water for the community

[Outdoor bathing area with] children showering