The Bundiyarra Aboriginal Community Aboriginal Corporation web site lists Mileura (A114) among 'some of' the Wajarri (A39) dialects, the others being Birdungu A40, Nharnu A115, Nhugarn A71, Byro A113 and Ngunuru A112.
Marmion (1996:6-7) does not include Mileura Wajarri in his description of Wajarri (A39) dialects. Marmion (2015 p.c.) notes that in more recent times Wajarri varieties have been referred to by station names in the area, such as Byro station and Mileura station, leading to some names existing in parallel with older names. He says that Mileura Wajarri is probably equivalent to Ngunuru A112.
Mileura station (Elefsiniotis 2007 p.c.)
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Speaker numbers were measured differently across the censuses and various other sources listed in AUSTLANG. You are encouraged to refer to the sources.
Speaker numbers for ‘NILS 2004’ and ‘2005 estimate’ come from 'Table F.3: Numbers of speakers of Australian Indigenous languages (various surveys)' in 'Appendix F NILS endangerment and absolute number results' in McConvell, Marmion and McNicol 2005, pages 198-230 (PDF, 2.5MB).