BURNS.P02.BW Collection

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Showing 1 to 80 of 91 records available in this collection.

Site HI38 shell and artefact scatter on saltpan

Site HI38 shell and artefact scatter and mangrove-lined creek in background

Site HI38 grinding stone, pestle, edgeground stone axe

Site HI38 grinding stone, pestle, edgeground stone axe

Site HI38 grinding stone, pestle, edgeground stone axe

Site HI38 grinding stone, pestle, edgeground stone axe

Site HI83 grinding stone and scatters and mangrove-lined creek in background

Site HI83 grinding stone and scatters and mangrove-lined creek in background

Site HI112 stone artefact scatter on mudflats (pestiles, axes, flakes)

Site HI112 stone artefact scatter on mudflats (pestiles, axes, flakes)

Site HI112 stone artefact scatter on mudflats (pestiles, axes, flakes)

Site HI112 stone artefact scatter on mudflats (pestiles, axes, flakes)

Site HI112 close-up of edge-ground stone axes, flakes and pestiles

Site HI112 close-up of edge-ground stone axes, flakes and pestiles

Site HI112 stone artefacts scatter on mudflats

[Double-exposed image showing mudflats, trees and ranging pole]

Site HI83 excavation square on shell mound

Site HI83 - Alfie May on shell mound

Site HI83 excavation pit and frame insitu

Site HI83 excavation of shell mound in progress

Site HI83 excavation of shell mound in progress

Alfie May and Terry Fox working on shell mound excavation site HI83

Site HI83 excavation pit and frame in situ

Site HI83 excavation pit and frame in situ

Kookaburra which supervised work from a tree

Site HI83 excavation pit and tarp cover

Alfie May in excavation pit

Excavation pit site HI83 and frame in situ

Excavation pit site HI83 and frame in situ

Excavation pit site HI83 and frame in situ

Excavation pit site HI83 and frame in situ

Excavation pit site HI83 and frame in situ

Student volunteer on shell mound site HI83

Base of excavation pit site HI83

Site HI83 shell mound on saltflats prior to excavation

Site HI83 shell mound on saltflats prior to excavation

Alfie May and Terry Fox on shell mound site HI80

Spit One, shell mound site HI80

Site HI66 excavation pit wall

Site HI66 excavation pit wall

Spit Two site HI66

Site HI66 excavation pit wall

Site HI66 excavation pit wall

Bruce, Adam and Inga - student volunteers, working on site HI66

Bruce, Adam and Inga - student volunteers, working on site HI67

Site HI66 excavation pit east wall

Site HI66 excavation pit east wall

Site HI66 excavation pit south wall

Site HI66 excavation pit west wall

Alfie May and Jon May on site HI66

Alfie May and Jon May on site HI66

Alfie May and Jon May on site HI66

Base of excavation

Site HI80 south wall and east wall excavation

Site HI80 excavation pit showing mangrove root at base of west wall

Site HI80 excavation pit showing mangrove root at base of west wall

Site HI80 excavation pit showing mangrove root at base of west wall

Site HI80 shell mound with excavation pit, facing east to mangroves in background

Dr [Peter] Hiscock and Bruce Mumford testing below surface of mud flats at edge of mound site HI80

Shell mound site HI80 prior to excavation facing mudflats

Shell mound site HI80 prior to excavation facing mudflats

Excavation square prior to excavation site HI80

Excavation square prior to excavation site HI80 with mudflats in the background

Alfie [May] and Jon May working on site HI80

Alfie [May] and Jon May working on site HI80

Site HI81 excavation square

Site HI81 excavation square with mudflats in background

Site HI81 excavation square with mudflats in background

Alfie May [at] site HI81 looking in excavation pit

Excavation pit, shell mound site HI81, with frame insitu to prevent sides falling in

Excavation pit, shell mound site HI81, with frame insitu to prevent sides falling in

Excavation pit, shell mound site HI81, with frame insitu to prevent sides falling in, Alfie [May - visible to right of frame]

Excavation pit, shell mound site HI81, with frame insitu to prevent sides falling in

Shell mound site HI81, Jon [May - working at site]

Shell mounds, site HI81 [with Alfie May or Jon May]

Largest shell mound, site HI81

Largest shell mound, site HI81

Largest shell mound, site HI81

Largest shell mound, site HI81

Excavated shell mound site HI81