HILLIARD.W01.CS Collection

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Showing 521 to 560 of 1261 records available in this collection.

[Indigenous trackers working with famous Australian mammalogist] Hedley Finlayson

[Unidentified Indigenous hunters] counting dingo scalps

[Four unidentified Indigenous men working, making bricks]

Unidentified Indigenous building assistants, busy concreting

Indigenous men building a new shower block

Men sinking a new well bore, [with possibly Winifred Hilliard walking in the background]

[Three unidentified workmen sinking a bore]

Building a horse pen

[Unidentified Indigenous men] loading firewood into the truck

Fortnightly Finke trip - [Ernabella truck navigating through boggy road conditions on a usually dry road]

Gordon [sitting in the shade] typing

[Two unidentified men checking the] Araluen paddock fence

[Commencing work on fencing the Araluen paddock - Indigenous man offloading fence posts from flat bed truck]

[Unidentified Indigenous men at camp during] the fencing of Araluen paddock

[Unidentified Indigenous men at camp during] the fencing of Araluen paddock

[Landscape view of the] fenced Araluen paddock

Gordon [sitting at a desk in the office, typing]

[Unidentified Indigenous men] sourcing timber for saw mill

Peter [working alongside a woman, possibly Nyukana], in the bakery

Tony working in the Ernabella butchers shop weighing and wrapping meat

Raymond serving customers at the Ernabella store check-out

Raymond serving customers at the Ernabella store check-out

Mission rams grazing on hillside

Unidentified Indigenous stockman herding a flock of merino sheep

[Stockman counting head of sheep - unidentified Indigenous woman watching on]

Bill Elliott sitting while repairing the well

[Landscape view of Donald's Well] sheep camp

Sheep at trough [at Possum Well which is now part of Fregon land]

RMT rationing shepherds - two unidentified men at a truck, with shelters in the background [man on right may be Bill Elliott]

Bill Elliott standing by his vehicle, providing rations to young people

Haileybury Well with windmill and tank

Flock of sheep being counted [by unidentified non Indigenous man - at Turner Well]

[Pen full of sheep waiting to be sheared, with shearing sheds in the background]

[Pen full of sheep waiting to be sheared]

[Unidentified Indigenous shearers shearing sheep]

[View inside the wool shed - unidentified Indigenous shed hands] skirting the fleece

[View inside the shearing shed - unidentified Indigenous men working the] wool press

[Unidentified Indigenous shed hands gathered around the completed wool bales]

[Side view of a truck loaded with bales of wool] ready for the road

Load of wool bales stacked on a road train heading for Adelaide