HILLIARD.W01.CS Collection

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Showing 1201 to 1261 of 1261 records available in this collection.

[Dirt track view of the Everard Ranges]

[Unidentified Indigenous family gathered next to their mia-mia]

[Unidentified Indignenous person with mia-mia in the background (far left) situated near] Betty's Well

[Group portrait of unidentified Indigenous women and children at a camp]

[Landscape view of a mia-mia camp with possibly wooden structure in centre of camp for drying out buffalo hide or kangroo pelts]

[Obscured view of the] head stockman's house

[Group portrait of unidentified Amata women and children sitting in the shade]

[Group portrait of unidentified Amata women and children sitting in the shade]

Ilpil [standing in front of a vehicle with congregation seated in front of him], leading worship

Ilpil [standing in front of a seated congregation, leading prayers]

[Congregation sitting in shade listening to the worship service]

Portrait of Watulya Windlass (nee Baker) holding her baby daughter

[Landscape view of Amata buildings including the station] superintendents' and overseers' houses

[Landscape view of Amata buildings including the] hospital and houses

[Landscape view of the] gateway to Amata, with yellow truck rolling through

[Landscape view of Amata and a bough shelter] church

[Amata coummunity members gathered on and around the] Amata company truck

[Truck and a vehicle driving on the dirt detour route] - Amata road

[Unidentified Indigenous men pushing the Bucknell vehicle out of a sand bog] - trouble on Amata detour road

[Two unidentified people attending to the Bucknell vehicle which is bogged]

[Unidentified Indigenous men working hard] unbogging Bucknell car

[Street view of an Amata road, known as] Staff Street

[View of the Musgrave Ranges] from outside visitors accommodation

[Congreation of Amata people gathered for the] ordination of Elders

[Crowd of Amata people attending the Elders'] ordination service

[Unidentified Elder standing at the pulpit during the ordination service, possibly leading prayer]

People attending the ordination of Elders [ceremony]

[Crowd gathers around the kneeling new Elders during the] laying on of hands

J Brown addressing new elders

[Queue of unidentified Amata community members] greeting new elders

[Obscured view of the Santa Teresa Mission with the MacDonnell Ranges behind]

View of the hospital at Santa Teresa

[View of the community housing at Santa Teresa]

[View of the community housing at Santa Teresa]

View fo the road west [possibly toward Owen Springs]

Trading with people near Mount Davies - [unidentified man, possibly unloading goods while women watch]

[Landscape view of Mount Davies]

View of Mount Davies mining camp

View of road, heading towards Mount Aloysius

Landscape view of spinifex and grassland, looking towards Bell Rock Ranges

[Landscape view of the Blackstone area, also known as Papulankutja of Ngaanyatjarra-Giles region]

View of mining camp accomodation at base of mountains

[Unidentified people standing outside] Lanes' house

[Children Janet and Johnny Lane standing amongst other unidentified adults at the Blackstone mining accomodation]

Portrait of Janet and Johnny Lane - [Janet is holding a circular piece of bark and a stick - possibly Indigenous tools]

[Janet and Johnny Lane seated with others on a sand dune, during a] picnic

[Possibly Andy (Indigenous minister), speaking with non Indigneous people on Papulankutja land]

Camp fire [with a non Indigenous woman tending to it]

[Two vehicles parked on a dirt road, with people gathered at the back with] Mr McDougall

View of road to Rawlinson Range

View of road to Rawlinson Range

[Unidentified non Indigenous man with his children, trading with Papulankutja men]

[Landscape view of the Papulankutja region, featuring the Rawlinson Range]

[The Lane family and Mr McDougall] studying map in camp

View od men working during the building of Giles weather station

[The Lane family, Elliot family and Mr McDougall being shown around the camp by possibly Andy Hulme (Indigenous minister)]

Group, including Mr Andy Hulme, Mr McDougall and Allison Elliott outside the Giles Weather Station

[Group portrait of children from the Papulankutja region, sitting together smiling]

[Portrait of an Indigenous couple from the Papulankutja region]

Portrait of two smiling Indigenous mothers from the Papulankutja region

Portrait of an Indigenous man from the Papulankutja region