Mangu (A34 ) in Sourcebook for Central Australian Languages (1981).
Names of the language and different spellings that have been used:
Nalada (?), Ngaatjatjara (Glass & Hackett) (from /ngaatja/ 'this'), Nga:dadjara (T), Ngadadjara , (AIAS, de Graaf), Ngada (-jara) (-wanga) (AIAS), Ngadatjara (AC,SAW,O'G), Ngarga (?), Ngatatara (Roheim), Nyadadjara (Worms)
Dialects: (A. Glass)
Rawlinson Ngaatjatjarra (closer to Ngaanyatjarra)
Blackstone Ngaatjatjarra
Further possible dialect:
Mantjintja (see Oates 1973)
Alternative spellings:
Mandjindja (Elkin), Mandjindja(-djara) (AIAS), Mandjindja(-wanga) (AIAS), Mandjindjindji (Berndt, Davidson), Munjinda (Daisy Bates)
Classification of the language:
Western Desert Group, Wati subgroup
Identification codes:
Oates '73: 56.4b, 56.4c (Mantjintja)
AIAS: A43, A33 (Mantjintja)
Capell: A38 (both Ngaatjatjara and Mantjintja)
Present number and distribution of speakers:
Traditionally probably from Wingellina (Winkilina) to Jameson Range, and possibly to Rawlinson Ranges (Glass & Hackett).
Mantjintja traditionally south of Warburton Ranges (Davidson), far east of Laverton, north of Great Victoria Desert, south of Livesay Range (Herrman).
Now at Warburton.
Black, 1979 --
People who have worked intensively on the language:
Amee Glass
Practical orthography:
Word lists:
Grammar or sketch grammar:
Material available on the language:
de Graaf, Mark. 1968. The Ngadadara at the Warburton Ranges. 146p. tbls. ts. Perth. (AIAS restricted use)
Douglas, W.H. 1964. An Introduction to the Western Desert Language. Oceania Linguistic Monographs No. 4. (Revised). [1st edition, 1958] Sydney: Oceania (University of Sydney).
---------- 1971. Dialect differentiation in the Western Desert -- a comment. Anthroplogical Forum 3.1(November), 79-82.
Gould, R.A. 1968. Preliminary report on excavations at Puntutjarpa rockshelter, near the Warburton Ranges, Western Australia. Archaeology & Physical Anthropology in Oceania 3.3:161-185. pls. diags. map. Appendix 1: Ngatatjara text - a partial account of the totemic goanna tradition at Puntutjarpa, by Glass & Hackett (with interlinear transcription).
Miller, Wick R. 1971. Dialect differentiation in the Western Desert language, 61-78. A reply to Douglas's comment, 83-85. Anthropological Forum 3.1(November).
Mountford, C.P. 1938. Gesture language of the Ngada tribe of the Warburton Ranges, Western Australia. Oceania 9.2:152-155. diags.
ten Raa, Eric & S.T. Woenne. 1974. Research Dictionary of the Western Desert Language of Australia. Department of Anthropology, University of Western Australia. (I 11988)
Tindale, N.B. 1931-1937. Vocabulary of Pitjandjara, the language of the natives of the Great western Desert. Adelaide. 138p. ts. (some words of Nga:dadjara)
---------- 1933. Journal of an anthropological expedition to the Mann and Musgrave Ranges, north west of South Australia, May-July 1933... 745p. + suppl. notes. ts., ms. (2830 vocab. entries in Pitjandjara, Pintubi, Ngalia, Kukatja and Ngadadjara)
---------- 1935. Journal of a visit to the Warburton Range, Western Australia. Jul-Sept. 515p. ts., ms. (vocabulary data for Ngadadjara, Nana, Mandjinda, Nangatadjara tribes)
---------- 1951. Second visit to Ooldea, to study the Aborigines. Apr. 1951. 85p. ts., ms. (vocabulary of 90 additional words in Ngalea, Pitjandjara and Ngadadjara)
---------- 1936. Legend of the Wati Kutjura, Warburton Ranges, Western Australia. Oceania 7.2:168-185. diags. maps. (Songs with texts in Ngadadjara with interlinear translation.)
---------- 1963. Journal of a visit to the Rawlinson Range area in the Great Western Desert. Oct-Nov 1963. 227p.+suppl. notes. Ms. (Vocabularies in separate books for Nakako, Ngadadjara and
---------- 1966. Journal of a trip to Western Australia in search of tribal data. Mar-Apr. 1966. 350p.+suppl. data. Ms. (Distribution data on Ngadadjara (of Teka-teka), Kalamaia, and 95 other tribes.)
---------- 1974. Aboriginal Tribes of Australia. Los Angeles: Unversity of California Press, and Canberra: A.N.U. Press. (p.14ff has kinship terms, etc.)
Literacy material:
Kathy Menning (comp.) and David Nash (ed.) 1981. © IAD Press
AIATSIS gratefully acknowledges IAD Press for permission to use this material in AUSTLANG.