HILLIARD.W01.CS Collection

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Showing 1101 to 1200 of 1261 records available in this collection.

[View of new Amooguna accomodation buildings - corrugated iron buildings with a large roof]

[Landscape view of Yeperenye (otherwise known as Emily Gap), from Amoonguna school]

[Three people sight-seeing from the top of a grassy hill] V.W.C., J Bennett and Nancy L Nicholson

Landscape view near the site on the other side of creek

View of sandhill country

Landscape view of the Ghost Gum Eucalyptus trees on Officer Creek

Portrait of an unidentified Indigenous man standing in front of saltbush at Selby Well

Grove of Ironwood trees

[Group of unidentified Indigenous men busy] unloading materials for shed [from a flat bed truck]

[Unidentified women and children observe as the] sheds are erected

[Unidentified men sorting] building materials

[Unidentified men standing with Fullerton cattle truck which arrived at] Ernabella, headed for Fregon

Grazing horses gathered for cattle work

Farewell cake for the Fletcher family - replica of the Ernabella community buildings

[Community turns out to farewell the] Fletcher [family as they] leave for Fregon

[Community turns out to farewell] Nancy and Alice [as they] leave for Fregon

[Landscape view of Shirley Well and the] cattle yard

[Distant landscape view of Fregon]

Landscape view of Ironwood trees and some of the Fregon cattle

Cattle of Tjilpil [area - Tjilpil is the name of three water sites which have been established with a bore system]

Nancy L Nicholson delivering rations to Indigenous families at the cattle camp

[Indigenous Minister] Andy delivering an outdoor church service to the congregation who are seated on the ground in the sunshine

[Distant view of the Fregon school house and fenced yard]

View of Fregon buildings in the distance

Landscape view towards Mount Woodroff

[Andy talking with Indigenous drovers at the] Tjilpil cattle camp

Sunset view of the Shirley Well windmill, yard and tank

Ruin remains of the Brown house built 1934 on the south side of Officer Creek

[Two young Indigenous men hard at work] cutting wooden rails for cattle yard

Rocky hill by cattle yard

Unidentified men erecting posts during construction of the Fregon cattle yard

[Indigenous people walking past the] Gargastan which was the single women's house

[Landscape view of drovers riding from the] Tjilpil bore

Drawings of drovers on Tjilpil tank

Landscape view of Mulga scrub near Tjilpil

Distant view of Dog Hill

Fregon Hospital

[Portrait, from left - Andy (a minister?) and John Fletcher]

View of cattle yards under construction

Closer view of cattle yards under construction

[Community members gather - cattle truck marks the] first consignment of Fregon cattle for sale

Munyungka [sitting with her class, teaching maths, possibly using coites]

View of the evening sky

Munyungka's class sitting in the sunshine, reading primers

Landscape view of a storm coming

Approaching storm - rain near Fregon

Group of Indigenous children gathered around a non Indigenous man learning about fencing

[Unidentified man demonstrating to the children how to] fence a horse paddock

[Group of unidentified Indigenous children sitting in the sand sharing a meal during] school dinner time

Cattle at Possum Well

[A view of the Fletchers' house, from the creek]

[Unidentified Indigenous and non Indigenous men working in the cattle yards] marking bull calves

[Unidentified Indigenous and non Indigenous men working in the cattle yards] ear marking calves

View of the Fregon compound

Unidentified men working on tank by cattle yards

View of Fregon cattle yards

Inside view of the bough shelter church

Fregon cattle, grazing by a water hole

External view of the bough shelter church

Cattle penned in with Indigenous children sitting on the pen fencing

Cattle grazing at Fregon paddocks - windmill bore in the distance

Clumps of spinifex grass growing on the airstrip site

Looking towards Fregon, from east of Officer creek

Rescue - a truck tows a smaller vehicle through a swollen river, possibly Officer Creek

View of Officer Creek during flooding

Floodwater receeding at Officer Creek

[Side view of caravan and tin shelter amongst large water tanks]

[External view of accomodation buildings at Finke community]

Finke store - fuel pump and caravan

View of a plasterboard house

View of a Finke house - green year

[Two unidentified Indigenous men possibly assisting in chocking (stocking?) up] MSB's caravan

MSB [standing with unidentified Indigenous elders], serving inside store

View of Indigenous accomodation - plasterboard and corrugated iron housing

Indigenous elders gathered outside store - man on the right is an Aputula Indigenous councillor

Unidentified Indigenous elder standing outside the Finke store

Portrait of Old man councillor, outside the store

Martin [walking out the front door of the] store

[Distant view of the Hermannsberg] Mission - paddocks in middleground, and hills in background

View from Hermannsburg Mission of rocky plains, with Mount Sonder in the distance

Indigenous accomodation at Hermannsberg - corrugated iron housing

Landscape view looking towards Mount Hermannsburg, with a walkway leading toward housing and shelters (centre)

Landscape view of bare mountains in a range, with a gravel road visible - view may include Mount Hermannsburg

[Street view of the old Hermannsberg] church

[Street view of Ntaria community members sitting in front of the] old hospital

Street view of the new Hermannsburg hospital

Portrait of a nurse holding an abandoned Indigenous baby from Alice Springs

[Children filing into class at the Hermannsberg] School

Indigenous school children line-up in front of classroom

Portrait of Indigenous school children [sitting in front of classroom, wearing school uniforms]

[Children gathered on play equipment in the] play area of the compound

View of Rainmaker's stone - rocky outcrop with grindstone, hidden behind a large tuft of grass

[Landscape view of] Kapurilya Spring

[Escarpment view of] Kapurilya Spring [bottom, right]

Plaque commemorating Violet and Una Teague 'of Franstone, Victoria, whose enthusiasm brought Kaporilya Water to Hermannsburg 1/10/35'

View of people gathered in groups at the newly opened church

[Street view of Indigenous and non Indigenous people gathered at the front of the] new church

[View of the buildings and water tank of Indulkana]

[Unidentified Indigenous man walking towards the camera - a row of humpies behind him]

[Landscape view of the rock escarpment of the Everard Ranges]