HILLIARD.W01.CS Collection

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Showing 1 to 100 of 1261 records available in this collection.

View of title 'Australia Twice Traversed' open to an image of the author Ernest Giles - European explorer of Western Australia

Explorer's stumps - [a landscape view of the Ernabella region]

[Ruin remains of the Brown family home which was built 1934 on the south side of Officer Creek]

Hann's initials at Erliwanyuwanyu (a rock hole south of Ernabella, now on Fregon land)

Camp - [landscape view containing children riding mules or hinneys - load of spinifex in the fore ground]

Portrait of [left to right] Lucy Lester, Purki Edwards and Mayawara Ukula Minutjukur kicking over spinifex

Yuminiya carrying a load of spinifex his back

People gathering spinifex for new wiltjas (shelters)

Loading truck with spinifex for wiltjas (shelters)

Three unidentified people building the framework of wiltja (shelter)

[Profile portrait of Muwitja sitting at the entrance of the] completed wiltja (shelter)

[Unidentified children of Ernabella region] removing sheets of corrugated iron from camp

Woman with load of wood [balanced on her head]

Unidentified men firelighting with woomera

Unidentified boys hurling spears

Camels owned by people of Ernabella

[Indigenous man walking his] own string of camels

[Landscape view of wild mules and hinneys grazing]

[Community members loading tame mules] - preparing for walkabout

[Camels in the background with a group of men gathered in foreground with preparations completed] ready for walkabout

[Unidentified man standing holding spears with children mounted on pack mules] - ready for walkabout

[Children on packed mules] - ready for walkabout

[Landscape view of community members] off on walkabout

Children gathered by wiltja (shelter) [possibly Nyukana Baker second from left]

Family group in camp [gathered by a fire with loads of spinifex in the background]

Jimmy, Nganyintja's father, sitting by wiltja (shelter)

[Muwitja] standing next to his wiltja (shelter)

Camp pup [curled up on a blanket sniffing at the] spinning sticks

[Landscape view of Shirely Well with unidentified people with horses tethered near the] Wiltja

Typical daytime scene - [men, women and children sitting at a kitchen campfire spinning thread]

[Unidentified women sitting at the kitchen camp fire] kneading damper

Person tending to the dampers in coals

Grinding stones - tjiwa - large and tjungari - small

[Unidentified children sitting on a boulder as part of an escarpment]

Landscape view of the camp - people sitting in the shade of shelters and trees

[Scrub view of the harnessed camels owned by Indigenous community members]

Camp scene [wiltjas (shelters) in foreground and the Musgrave Ranges in the background]

Kanini - a means whereby seeds or sands can be separated in a dish by a special shaking movement

Close up view of a branch of an acacia used for kiti gum

Working on acacia for kiti [gum]

Preparing kiti - gum made from spinifex resin or an acacia resin

Kanini - a means whereby seeds or sands can be separated in a dish by a special shaking movement

[View of porcessed acacia on a mat with an unidentified person] separating resin

Unidentified women plucking emu feathers

[View of a pitchi holding a small amount of] Kanini

[Crowd of women and children gathered around a pile of] acacia

Campfire [kitchen with pots and possibly rabbits to be prepared for cooking]

Kraal-type wiltjas (shelters) [with the Musgrave Ranges in the background]

Straightening tecoma (bushy plant) for spear shaft

[Spear making process] - Willy [a Pitjantjatjara tribesmen], beginning the spear

Willy [a Pitjantjatjara tribesmen, sitting amongst wood shavings - using his teeth to assist] straightening spear shafts

Willy [a Pitjantjatjara tribesmen, sitting with pitchi in front of him] straightening spear shafts

Willy [a Pitjantjatjara tribesmen, sitting with new spear resting on his foot] smoothing spear shaft

Willy [a Pitjantjatjara tribesmen, sitting with spear resting on his foot] smoothing spear shaft

Warming spear head to melt kiti [gum]

[Willy uses the kiti (gum) to create the] binding point onto shaft

Willy sitting with Brian Tjangala observing - scoring marks on shaft near point

(Left to right): Brian Tjangala and Willy, sitting amongst wood shavings with axes in hand, shaping woomeras

[Willy sitting amongst wood shavings holding an axe] shaping woomera

[Willy standing with the woomera leaning on a large rock during the process of] shaping woomera with smaller cutter

Brian Tjangala putting kiti (gum) on to woomera

[Willy showing that the] kiti and kanti set into place on the woomera

[Willy displaying the] kanti

[Willy] cutting barbs for woomera

[Willy] binding barb on woomera

Using cutting end of spear thrower to make small spear

[A group of unidentified young men stand near a camp fire preparing for] kangaroo cooking - part 1

[A group of unidentified young men and non-Indigenous child gathered with] kangaroo cooking - part 2

[Two unidentified men each holding an end of a Ngintaka (perenti) goanna]

Lanky [standing in traditional pose on rock escarpement with the sun setting in the background]

Lanky [standing poised with spear and woomera on rock escarpement with the sun setting in the background]

Lanky [standing in traditional pose on rock escarpement with the sun setting in the background]

Lanky [sitting with spear and woomera on rock escarpement with the sun setting in the background]

Lanky [standing poised with spear and woomera on rock escarpement with the sun setting in the background]

Lanky [standing poised with spear and woomera on rock escarpement with the sun setting in the background]

Lanky [standing poised with spear and woomera in the shade of rock escarpement with the sun setting in the background]

Lanky [standing in traditional pose on rock escarpement with the sun setting in the background]

Lanky [standing poised with spear and woomera in the shade of rock escarpement at dusk with the moon rising]

[An unidentified young man] bringing in a kangaroo

[Willy standing in front of escarpment, holding spears and a woomera] - ready for the hunt

[Close up view of] spear heads

Stone axe found near Marlor Bore and stone knives from Yuendumu

[Group of unidentified women] digging for witchetty grubs

Unidentified Indigenous girls cooking witchetty grubs in the campfire coals

Portrait of Nyukana Baker digging for water

Unidentified women gathering mistletoe berries

Portrait of Tjalara Nyaningu with two milpali or small goannas

Digging dishes

[Two hands displaying] Tjanmata [bush onion and the leaves of the bush onion are called] nyiri

Tjanmata bush onion and the leaves of the bush onion are called nyiri

Maku - witchetty grubs

Wild fig

Centralian digging dish and paper bark carrier from Bentincks (example Bentinck Islanders)

[A woman holding a pitchi with a large amount of Kanini wakati which is an edible seed variety]

Dolly Ungakini grinding wakati

Harvest of Witita a fungus that grows on sandhills

Honey ants situated next to a ruler

Toddlers holding the tail of a dead perentie goanna

Yangkuyi (right) with another woman demonstrating mangka milimili (hair style worn by mothers of adolescent boys)

Community gathered around as Ulpuru calls